
Recordings of the Silicon Valley Symphony

SVS_brochure_2014_coverPhoto_c_150wExceptional Quality

“professional sound
- with an attitude”

  • Exceptional Musicians
  • Exceptional Soloists
  • Inspired Leaders

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Photos by Box Camera

Concert Recordings
Use the player controls to hear the audio, or right-click on the composition title to download to play on your computer.

Put Some Spring in Your Step:  16 & 17 May 2014


Scroll down for YouTube videos

Note: there may be a slight pause while  videos are loaded. Videos coming soon, check back.

We are proud to offer our complete recordings to you for free.  Click on the player to hear the streaming version, or right click on the title so you can download the high-quality MP3 file.  You can then make your own CDs.

Friday, May 16, 2014: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Menlo Park, California
Michael Paul Gibson, Conductor; Stephen Waarts Violin Soloist

Coming soon

Saturday, May 17, 2013: St. Mark’s  Episcopal Church, Palo Alto, California
Michael Paul Gibson, Conductor; Stephen Waarts Violin Soloist

Note: Due to technical difficulties, the audio recording of the Mozart is not available.

Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
Michael Paul Gibson, Conductor; Stephen Waarts Violin Soloist

The Four Seasons (complete)
Spring 1. Allgro
Spring 2. Largo
Spring 3. Allegro
Summer 1. Allegro non molto
Summer 2. Adagio
Summer 3. Presto
Autumn 1. Allegro
Autumn 2. Adagio molto
Autumn 3. Allegro
Winter 1. Allegro non molto
Winter 2. Largo
Winter 3. Allegro

Vivaldi: “The Four Seasons”  Stephen Waarts, violin,
Michael Paul Gibson, conductor


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© Copyright 2014 Silicon Valley Symphony  All rights reserved.